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Tyrone and Laurel

What is a perfect marriage? I’ve asked myself that question a million times and I must admit… I still don’t have the answer. What I do know is, I promise to be most loyal, understanding, patient and caring husband that I can be.

I promise to always honor you in a way that you fiercely honor and protect all of your loved ones. I promised to take care of you, in a way that you’ve always taken care of my heart.

Your path’s crossed… and it changed everything. It was not by accident, it was a God thing.

They say you don’t know someone until you live with them. I say you don’t know someone until you live with them, have a baby, buy a house and plan a wedding in under 2 years with them. I am happy to say that after almost 9 years and specially the last few of them and everyday since then, you’ve continued to prove what I’ve always known, you are the most humble, genuine, hardworking, incredibly handsome, caring man, I have ever known.

You are beautiful, kind and caring heart is something that amazes me everyday. As I look into your eyes I can stand here today and say that I am thankful that I have a partner who pushes me to be the best that I can be, and the best version of myself.

I promised to listened and receive every incredible lesson that you continue to teach me about life and family. And I promised to cherish you more. To my best friend, my love and my co-parent, leila’s daddy, and my very soon to be husband, I love your more than words could ever expressed today and all the days of my life.

I vow to be your rock, your best friend, and most of all your husband. This bond will never be broken, and let’s continue to show our leila girl, what true love is. I love you baby girl.