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Daniel and Casey

Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything. Love never fails. In this life we have three lasting qualities, faith, hope and love… But the greatest of these is love.

In the midst of disagreement, sometimes are egos aren’t worth protecting. Do your best to not allow silly staff to escalate. Sometimes we are fighting against, what we shouldn’t be fighting for. Casey welcome to the family, let’s make it a point to build more memories together

Look at one another and remember this moment in time. Before this moment you have been many things to one another – acquaintance, friend, companion, lover, even teacher, but things between you will never quite be the same. For after today you shall say to the world – This is my husband. This is my wife.

Casey, I give you this ring. Daniel I give you this ring, forged in love as a daily reminder of my lifetime commitment to you.

Danny and Kelsey

It’s pretty clear to everyone, how your love inspires you, to be your absolute best. And you both cheerly lift each other, when the other is weak. And support each other with your strength. To a close friendship, and a true partnership. It’s been really grateful to witness this growth, and I am looking forward to supporting both of you, in your continue growth, over the next 65+ years.

Dearast Kels, I love you so much, ever since I met you a long time ago, I had a sense that we will be together. You are my best friend, my soul mate, and the person I wanna spend the rest of my life with.

My dearest Danny, 7 years. 7 years ago, I met my best friend, my lover, and my forever. You know 7 is my favorite no. and I don’t think it is a coincidence that we are getting married after 7 years of knowing each other. I love you so much Danny, lots, times infinity, always and forever and to the moon and back.

They always would have found each other, because Kelsey and Danny are magnets. They could have been around each other for a while but eventually they would have found their way to each other and found their way together. And it’s been amazing to watch your love grow. And your relationship grow, and I cannot wait to see how it continues.

Kels, you complete me, and I am so happy and thankful that I have found you. I know it was meant to be. I love you with all my heart. Now and forever.

Even saying these things, I love you in ways I cannot describe danny, the kind of love that I would rather die and live without you, and would die for you. We have made this connection, and we have this understanding together that only god can give. Thank you so much, I love you danny, and I’ll always will.

Keith and Sarah – Fate and Destiny

These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever.

These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future.

We should always remember to never take the people we love for granted. Love and Marriage are not always easy. But with mutual respect, with the love and support shared, well tended… Love and respect becomes second nature as time passes.

The first time we met, I couldn’t help find you to see you again. It took 6 months, but when it happened and I saw you across the street, I knew if the distance was hundreds of miles, I had no choice but to traverse it.

I never thought going to community meetings about 6 years ago, I would meet my future husband, and here we are. When I first met you, I saw a man filled with so much love and laughter and knew I wanted to be a part of your life.

6 years later, I realized I waited my whole life to meet you and yet another, waiting for the moment that we find ourselves in. You’ve taught not to fear the storm because we laugh even harder in the rain. You’ve taught that I can be more than I am. I can achieve greater things that I ever thought possible.

I didn’t fall in love with you, I walked into love with you. Choosing to take every step along the way, I do believe in fate and destiny. But I also believe where only fated to do the things that we would choose anyway. And I choose you.

These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it. And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.

From the moment I see these two together 5 and a half years ago, and still this day, it’s obvious how much they were meant for each other. My hope for you both is that you will always see each other in the same way.

Sarah, I promised to stand beside you always. To fight for you when you need it. To soothe when the world is to much. I promise to love you, and give you all that I am.

Derrick and Jordan

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Hey now, hey now This is what dreams are made of Hey now, hey now This is what dreams are made of I’ve got somewhere I belong I’ve got somebody to love This is what dreams are made of