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Eric and Brooke

No matter how busy life gets, always make time for each other, and never go to bed, mad to each other.

About the couple:

They have been dating since 12 December 2012- going on 7 years. They bought their house in Nov 2015 and moved in Feb 2016. It has been such an experience living together and they have learned a lot about one another. July 2018, brooke’s parents planned a family vacation in Destin, Florida. One of their favorite beaches! Usually they would drive and stop at a new City every year. 2018 they stopped in Savannah, Georgia. They stayed at the beautiful Gastonian Bed and Breakfast. The night in Savannah they explored the city, had dinner and took a nice walk through Forsyth Park. After about 15 minutes walking through the park Brooke turned around and Eric was on one knee proposing to me. He couldn’t have picked a perfect, more romantic place to propose. Of course brooke said yes! Brooke couldn’t wait for the day Eric would ask her to be his wife. It was truly a perfect trip to Savannah and she will never forget it!