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Eren and Clarissa

Eren and Clarissa – a match made in heaven

You two have already experienced, one of lifes’ biggest stressors together, more than once… Moving. You’ve travelled to turkey, you’ve lived in Miami, you’ve travelled back to Maryland, and most recently you’ve made a home in australia. It’s already quite a testament to this love you share, that you’ve been willing to face this things together. And You’ve face some hardships on this journey.

Today, there is vast and unknown future that is stretching out before you. And that future with its joys and sorrows are hidden from your eyes, but it’s a great tribute. So may this love that you share, grow more stronger and even more secure, with every passing.

Your love for one another and your willingness to accept each others strengths and weaknesses, with insight and consideration will help cement the foundation for a strong and a lasting marriage. And share your thoughts, and your experiences and your dreams with one another.

They have shown enormous strength and resilience and I think all of this things and the fact that they have come so far in the past two years, I think provides and we hope a very good foundation for a long, happy and healthy marriage.