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Bill and Brie – Directors Cut

“Bill, you are kind, devoted, intelligent, driven and passionate. Everything I always wanted in a husband, my favorite person, my comfort, my home. Brie, you are my favorite person to come home to at night, you are my calm when times are crazy. And I couldn’t find to ask anything else more for a wife. You make feel so loved, appreciated everyday, and you help my confidence grow thru the years. Your parents have raised an exceptional man. You make me feel irreplaceable, confident and so loved. You light up every room you walk in to, I am so incredibly lucky to be the one you choose to marry”

“Today is the day, where every and anyone who is dear to your heart all in one room, celebrating the love that you guys have for each other. So take a look around and soak in this moment… The best is yet to come.”

“Can you believe today we will be husband and wife, I felt nervous but not because I am scared, but because I am elated and excited. You are the most important, the most comforting and the most loving person in my life. You have shown me how I deserved to be treated. You have helped me grow as a person and the love that you share to me is exceptional. I still cannot believe that I am marrying the most beautiful bride, that just radiate positive energy and love. You become my world, my best friend and now my wife. You’ve been by my side as I become a man, and you push me everyday to be the best version of myself. For that I am eternally grateful and I promise to return that love everyday from this day forward”

“I promise to be by your side everyday, tackling anything that comes our way. And I will dedicate myself around our marriage, our friendship and our family and I am so excited to be able to call you my husband.”

“I promise to be as much of a rock for you as you have been to me, to let you eat the last cookie, eventhough I really want it. To keep you safe and most importantly to love you with everything that I have, until I have nothing left.”