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Matt and Jordyn

To know you. Is to love you, Matthew Tull. The day I met you. When you slid in next to me and put your arm around me while I was talking to your mom, your confidence and your charming smile intrigued me, to say the least. Little did I know that was the moment I first met my greatest love I’ve ever known, my best friend and my life partner.

We had only been dating for a few months when I knew that I had found the one. You’re the one that I want to grow old with. The one that makes me laugh. And the one who loves me unconditionally.

Matt, I hope you always look at Jordyn with that love in your eyes. And Jordyn. I hope you always remember that day and love him fully and return.

You’re both very lucky because you both have parents who have been committed to each other.

Jordyn, with love in his eyes, is what I have always seen from matt, 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt, This man loves my daughter fully, and there’s nothing else that a man or father looks for, for somebody to take over his daughter and love her as much as he does.

These are the hands of your best friend that will hold you on your wedding day as you promise to love each other for all the days of your lives. These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future as you laugh and cry and share your innermost dreams. These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through all the years of your lifetime.

Jordyn, When I first met you at my sister’s housewarming party, I knew that there was something special about you. I was drawn to you, by your sassy attitude, your pretty blond hair, and your willingness to speak your mind. A few years later, I finally worked up the courage to make my intentions clear when I came down to Tennessee.

Matt. Thank you for treating my best friend like the queen she is. Thank you for sharing her love of the ocean and living some of your best days together on the boat. Thank you for knowing when a hug is simply all she needs. But most importantly, thank you for being you and giving my best friend exactly what she’s been searching for her whole life.

I choose you and I’ll choose you over and over and over without pause. Without a doubt. In a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.

I promise to love you every single day and never stop making our relationship, our communication and your feelings a priority to me.

Your love and trust makes me a better person each and every day. You’ve been there for me through the greatest challenges and encouraged me to grow. In your arms and by your side. I know there is nothing that I can’t do, and I’m proud to call you my wife.

You know me better than anyone else in this world. And you somehow still managed to love me. You’re the love of my life. And there is still a part of me that I cannot believe that I’m the one that gets to marry, the Matt Tull today.